Student Sentenced to Serve 490 Man Hours

Monday, June 18, 2007

John Mendy, a student of Gambia Technical Training Institute, will in less than a month’s time contribute over 400 man-hours towards the cleanliness of his institution.

John was lately arraigned at the Bundung Magistrates’ Court after being charged by the police with the offence of threatening to kill one Sankung Badjie with a cutlass.

When the charge sheet was read to him early last week, he pleaded guilty to the charge of threatening violence and was consequently sentenced to serve 490 working hours. The sentence would be served by cleaning the premises of GTTI and at a time when schools go for the summer vacation.

The case was presided by magistrate Amina Saho-Ceesay and the Inspector General of Police represented by 1674 Ceesay.


Author: By Njie Baldeh
Source: The Point