Sierra Leonean docked for raping 8-year old girl

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Morris Kallon, a Sierra Leonean national was, on Tuesday, arraigned before the Bundung Magistrates Court presided over by Senior Magistrate Kumba Sallah-Camara on charges of raping an 8-year old girl.

According to the particulars of the charge sheet, Morris Kallon was alleged to have had carnal knowledge of an 8-year old girl from Bakoteh in the Kanifing Municipality.

When the charge sheet was read to Mr Kallon before Senior Magistrate Sillah-Camara,  he pleaded not guilty to the charge preferred against him.

Magistrate Sillah-Camara then remanded Kallon to the State Central Prison, Mile Two, and  adjourned the case to August 20th. Inspector Saine stood in for the IGP.

Author: by Salifu M. Touray