Journalists sensitized on gender issues

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

At least 45 journalists drawn from media houses in the country were last Friday sensitized on gender awareness issues by Pro-Hope International The Gambia (PAIN) in collaboration with its media affiliated group at   a one-day workshop held at the Media Agenda in Churchill’s Town.

The workshop is aimed at creating more awareness among journalists on gender and related issues in a bid to help them in disseminating gender information in their field of work.

In her opening remark, Sira Bah, Program Officer of Pro-Hope International The Gambia, said her organisation came into existence in January 2003, and registered with the Gambian government in 2005 with the ultimate aim of making differences in people’s lives by carrying out activities that would restore hope to those whose lives have been demeaned by circumstances of birth, health, socio-economic background and environment and to help them find fulfillment in life.

According to her, in that process they advocate for gender equality, promote sexual and reproductive health, empower girls and women to take charge of their sexual and reproductive health, provide a voice for people in vulnerable circumstances such as those living with HIV/Aids. She told journalists that her organisation is involved in rural education describing it as the best way to eradicate gender-based violence.

For his part, Musa Sheriff, a journalist and a member of Pro-Hope emphasised the need for women to be involved in consultations concerning design and implementation of development policies and projects. He then called for gender neutrality and equality noting that both men and women deserve to enjoy equal opportunities, roles and responsibilities in the society.

Delivering the keynote address, Madi Ceesay, president of The Gambia Press Union (GPU) commended Prop-Hope and its media affiliated group for the laudable initiative.  According to him, journalists must be involved in awareness issues in a bid to create better understanding on confronting issues.

Mr Ceesay then urged them to disseminate the information in a factual  manner.

Author: Written by Hatab Fadera & Isatou Baldeh
Source: The Daily Observer