NSGA to embark on awareness campaign

Friday, November 23, 2007

With a view to raise people’s awareness on issues relating to landmine risks, the Nova Scotia-Gambia Association (NSGA) will embark, from November 20th to December 4th, on a massive campaign in the Fonis.
According to a press release issued yesterday by the NSGA ‘‘the campaign is one of the most important activities in UNICEF’s Child Protection Project in The Gambia.’’

After having, over the years, worked extensively in schools and communities through its Peer Health Education Program, drama troupes, community film shows and discussions, NSGA is now taking another step towards tackling the vital topic of landmines.

‘‘These explosives have handicapped many people (particularly children) in the neighbouring Casamance, a region that has been at the heart of troubles over the past few decades,’’ the release indicated.

For Lamin Gibba of NSGA, his team ‘‘will educate the refugees about landmines, their dangers and how to avoid them back in Casamance, since the refugees are expected to return to this dangerous landmine-riddled area”.
He went on to say: ‘‘I think the successful implementation of the landmine risk awareness activity in the Fonis will strengthen the already existing NSGA, UNICEF partnership.’’

The campaign will cover about 15 communities in the Foni region, located along the Gambia–Casamance border, an area occupied by a large number of refugees who have been displaced by the civil war in the southern Senegalese region.
The joint efforts of NSGA and UNICEF is meant ‘‘to create a world where children can be comfortable and be free from hazards, a pre-requisite for their survival and development.’’

Author: By Abdoulie John
Source: The Daily Observer
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