Boost for Bakau Health Center

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Students from Malmo Hund Commune Junior Secondary School in Sweden in partnership with Educaton through Culture, communicatoion and Organisation (ECCO) Gambia, recently donated medicaments to Bakau Health Centre at a ceremony held at the Health Centre in Fajara.

The donated items included dressing and scissoring materials, neddles, canular, stetoscope diagnostic instruments and gloves.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Ousainou Alieu Kah, operation manager, ECCO Gambia said his porganisation was established to create job oppotunties for Gambians by building cultural camps, thus providing jobs and generate income for the communities as well reduce rural urban migration.

He reiterated their committment to compliment government efforts in national development.

Handing over the items on behalf of the students, Annette Mars, one of the teachers hailed the students for their generosity, adding that they have worked very hard to raise money to purchase these medical items. She assured that they will continue redering such assistance to the Gambian people . She added that they have plansto twin with an institution in The Gambia.

Receiving the items, Haddijatou Jobe, the Nurse in charge at Bakau Health Centre thanked the philanthropist for their generousity and timely intervention. According to her, the items will go a long way in boosting the health center. She then assured that the materials will be utilised into its rightful purpose.

Author: by Sheriff Barry