Seeds For Cassamance Refugees

Friday, August 10, 2007

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) recently donated a large quantity of seeds to Cassamance refugees based in the Fonis.

The seeds that were of different varieties were meant to help the refugees fight the food shortages that they encounter.

According to Saikou K. Saho, the number of the Casamance refugees in The Gambia had increased significantly in July of last year following the resumption of hostilities in the southern Senegalese province.

He pointed out that following an assessment by the UNHCR on the situation of the refugees, it was discovered that they were facing food shortages even though their hosts in The Gambia were sharing food with them. UNHCR, he said, then appealed to World Food Programme which started providing food for the refugees since September to date, adding that other NGOs involved in the reconstruction of latrines and provision of potable water also chipped in to assist the hosts of the refugees with food.

Author: By Augustine Kanji
Source: The Point
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