Abubacarr Sidiq Foundation for Dalawah & Orphan Welfare

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A charitable organisation founded in Gunjur Kombo South in 2002 recently celebrated six years in existence at a recent ceremony.

Speaking in his opening remarks to the gathering the President of the board of trustees Alhagie Sardang Bojang said that the organisation was initiated by the late Alhagie Kabba Saidy, a Gunjurian living in Serrekunda. The aims of the charity are to help orphans and new converts to Islam with their basic needs such as education clothing and food. He said his association is open to all who are interested.

Expressing similar remarks Alhagie Dembo Touray, the Deputy Imam of Gunjur and a member of the board of trustees, said helping those people the charity does is “Faru Qifaya” (collective responsibility) for all Muslims.

He said helping orphans is a command from Allah the Almighty and is found in many verses of the Quaran. He said his association is sponsoring 68 people of whom 3 are new converts. The remaining 65 are orphans attending both Arabic and English schools.

For his part, the Assistance Coordinator of the association Abdourahman K. Touray appealed to the public to help the organisation in its work. He said that at the moment the association is self-funding thanks to contributions of D100 from members. He said the ultimate aim is to sponsor people outside Gunjur. Whoever is in need of help can contact Abubacaa Janneh on 9983540 or Abdurahman Touray on 7781017.

Author: By Alieu Jabang
Source: The Point