Governor Touray adopted honorary father

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

APRC Women’s Wing of Upper Fulladu, in Central River Region has adopted Ganyie Touray as their group father at a ceremony held in Janjangbureh. The group led by Malang Saibou Camara Cham of Janjangbureh Area Council and Biran Baldeh, Chief of Upper Fullandu West District attracted several members of APRC militants, Alkalolu and Chiefs.

In his introductory remarks, Malang Saibou Camara Cham of the Janjangbureh Area Council, said the adoption of Governor Touray is due to his versatile abilities and egalitarian attitudes towards the people in the region.

Camara urged the Women’s Wing to strengthen their unflinching support for President Jammeh and the APRC party.

For his part, Biran Baldeh Chief of Upper Fulladu District, said 13 years of Jammeh’s presidency has registered a lot of developments.

In his remarks, Ganyi Touray, Governor of CRR told the members of the wing that he has accepted the adoption and thanked them for their unflinching support to the APRC party.

He then urged them to canvass more people to join the ranks of the APRC party.

Governor Touray, however, commended the Women’s Wing for their noble venture, and urged them to continue praying for President Jammeh.

Author: Written by Musa Ndow in CRR
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper