IBAS Debtors Respond Positively to Litigation

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Indigenous Business Advisory Services (IBAS) on Friday, 7th December 2007, sued some of its debtors for allegedly failing to settle their debts, which were given to them by the institution. Senior Magistrate Abdoulie Mbackeh of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court presided over the case.

Following the mentioning of the case and the admission of the debt by the defendants, Pa Famara Njie, a debtor, said to owe D26, 900, promised to pay D2500 per week until the whole amount is settled. Ousman Jallow, a debtor owing D11, 600, told the court that he would settle the debt at the end of December 2007. Another debtor, Modou Jallow, who owes D11, 400, was not present in court but had written a letter as to why he was not available. Alhagie Samba Ceesay, indebted to tune of D22, 957, was represented by his son, who paid D5000 in court to the IBAS representative, promising that his father would liquidate the balance in monthly installments of D4, 500, effective January 2008.

Author: By Dawda Faye
Source: The Point