US$477,000 for Kanilai Science Academy

Monday, December 3, 2007

A cheque for US$477,000 was on Wednesday presented to the secretary of state for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology as part of series of payments for the construction of the Kanilai Academy for Science and Technology, in Western Region.

Dr Patrick Chang, Taiwanese ambassador to The Gambia, presented the cheque to Secretary of State Abdoulie Sallah at a ceremony held at the Department of State for Higher, Research, Science and Technology in Kanifing.Presenting the cheque, Ambassador Chang expressed delight with the third installment for the project, expressing hope that it goes a long towards facilitating  construction work at the project site.

Dr Chang underscored the importance of science and technology in the face of globalisation, noting that the project will position The Gambia as a vibrant contributor to technology, when completed.

Highlighting the importance attached to the sector by the president, Ambassador Chang envisaged that the Kanilai Academy for Science and Technology will lay a solid foundation to transform the country into a high-tech superpower, as enshrined in the Silicon Valley vision.

He assured Taipei’s commitment to the project and renewed support at all times.

In his statement, the Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology Secretary of State Sallah amplified the important role being played by science and technology in in the rapid transformation of human lives around the world.

SoS Sallah thanked the government of Taiwan, through its embassy in Banjul for the magnanimous gesture, noting that this signals Taipei’s commitment to the project.

Author: by Ebrima Jaw Manneh