Youth coach pursues career in football coaching

Monday, December 3, 2007

Youth coach pursues career in football coachingEbrima Jallow, former assistant coach of the defunct Gambia U-17 team is currently in Fulham, United Kingdom, undergoing a three-week advanced diploma course in football coaching, reports reaching Observer Sports have revealed.

The former Bakau United and Sea View head coach is reported to have travelled on his own, as he aims to widen his scope in football coaching.

“I have a relations with a school in Fulham who invited me to undergo the three-week advance diploma course in football coaching. As an aspiring youth coach, I hope to capitalise greatly on such rare chances in order to widen my scope in football coaching,”

Jallow, who doubles as president of the Bakau Zonal and Sports Committee, was quoted saying shortly before his departure over the weekend.

Author: by Nanama Keita