32 would-be migrants appear in court

Friday, May 11, 2007

Thirty-two would-be migrants who wanted to travel to the Canary Island in Spain, by boat were yesterday, arraigned before Magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court.

They are charged for conspiracy to commit felony.
According to Count One, Ebrima Dibbasey and Ousman Sawaneh, with thirty others on 22 February 2007, at Bakau Beach and other places within KSMD jointly conspired to travel to the Canary Islands in Spain.

On Count Two, Ebrima Dibbasey and Ousman Sawaneh, on 22 February 2007 in Bakau Beach and other diverse places within KSMD recklessly and negligently hired and overloaded a boat with their co-accused to travel to the Canary Islands in Spain.
When the charge was read to them, all the thirty- one pleaded not guilty except one who pleaded guilty to both counts.
In this light, the presiding Magistrate therefore adjourned the case to 15 May 2007, for continuation.

The would-be migrants are Ebrima Dibbasey, Ousman Sawaneh, Kemo Ceesay, Muhammed Dampha, Ebrima Corra, Masireh Fofana, Amadou Baldeh, Yorro Bah, Abdoulie Camara, Bully Fatty, Muhamed Njie, Musa Sonko, Lamin Sanneh, Alieu Jawo, Modou Cham, Muhamed Kandeh, Mansa Dampha, Omar Sanneh, Ebrima Ceesay, Ebrima Saidy, Kekuta Camara, Saikou Ceesay and Lamin Fofana.


Author: Written by Lamin Njie & Buya Jammeh
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper