GAMBEGA Presents Prizes to Winners of Ndokale Raffle

Saturday, May 12, 2007

At a groundbreaking ceremony held at its head office in Kanifing amid fanfare and razzmatazz, Gambega Ltd. yesterday presented mouth-watering prizes to the winners of their Ndokale Promotion.  
Speaking on the occasion, the Sales and Marketing Manager of Gambega, Mr. Yusupha Bojang, said Ndokale Promotional campaign is geared towards sharing the company’s profits with their teeming clientele.

He said: "In line with the Coca Cola Company mission, Gambega is here to refresh and benefit everyone who is touched by our business. Our mission in short, therefore, is to refresh the entire Gambian populace with our varieties of sparkling Coca-Cola drinks at affordable price. The second part of our mission statement is to benefit those who choose to. The Ndokale promotion is, therefore, launched to benefit customers and consumers to win various prizes at only D80."

According to Mr. Bojang, Gambega have spent $45,000 equivalent to 1.260, 000 for the promotional campaign. He assured the winners that they are still qualified to participate in the game, adding ‘refresh yourself, enjoy and win more prizes’.
For his part, the Finance Director of Gambega, Mr. Suresh Aswaney, congratulated the winners of the Ndokale promotion and encouraged everyone to participate as in his words: "We have lots of valuable items to be won".

He explained that the promotional drive was launched on 20 April 2007, adding that the concept of the promotion is to boost sales level. He added that the promotion is also geared towards ploughing back some of their profits to the greater Gambian public.
Meanwhile, some of those that smiled home with tantalising prizes included Ramatoulie Sonko of Brikama who won a massive television set, Yankuba Colley of Bundung Borehole whose reward for participating in the promotion was a radio cassette player. Ebrima Manneh of Ebou Town also landed a brand new mobile phone for his participation while Muhammeh Bojang of Kanifing Estate won a bag of rice. A 20 litre drum of oil went to Fatoumata Neneh Demba of Brikama whilst Jainaba Ndure of Sukuta was the proud winner of 25kg sugar.

The ceremony which was well attended was chaired by the proprietor and Chief Executive Officer of AMRA Mr. Tombong Saidy.

Source: The Point