Ndow’s Comprehensive Holds Passing-out Ceremony

Friday, June 22, 2007

Proprietress Harriet Ndow Elucidates

Last Friday, Ndow’s Comprehensive Senior Secondary School celebrated its 11th Graduation Ceremony at the school’s ground.

The proprietress of the school, Mrs. Harriet M. Ndow, in her opening statement, congratulated the outgoing students expressing pleasure in having had them in her school, and extending a hearty welcome to those wishing to visit the school in future years to see what is happening and to participate in any school development activity.

Mrs. Ndow referred to the graduates as ambassadors of the school and reminded them of their ambassadorial role to the wider community by maintaining excellent behaviour and comportment in the society and in shorts being exemplary citizens who others would regard and emulate.

In that regard, she admonished graduates to stay away from idleness, bad conduct, and evil or harmful practices; and rather be seriously engaged in nation-building and contributing to national development.

Mrs. Ndow also encouraged and challenged the graduates in the area of decision-making in career goals and choices, which, she emphasized, was ultimately a matter for the individual student who knows best his or her inner capabilities and capacities, personal interests, inspirations and goals.

She advised that people should avoid making unrealistic choices for themselves with the result that they either become square pegs in round holes, or unhappy on their jobs, and in their lives.

In practices, she stressed the fleeting nature of TIME, and exhorted all graduates always to make the best use of their time which if neglected could bring regrets and which if properly utilized can bring wholesome rewards.

Other speakers on the occasion included Mr. Charles Umoh, Principal of KMET College in Birmingham, England. Mr. Umoh dwelt on the challenges that lay ahead of graduates in what he called a globalized world in which “we all have to interact and compete”.

He emphasized however that despite the difficulties and challenges of the present world system, one could succeed with focus and determination.

The Principal of the school, Mr. Eric Yawson, impressed on students to take the right road in life to become stars of the African continent and this country.

He underscored the point that success will depend on selecting the right route and making something out if.

High school leaving certificates were then awarded to outgoing students in different merit categories.

The outgoing Head Girl, Miss Isatou Dabo, gave the vote of thanks in which she paid tribute to the school and its hardworking staff all of whom had contributed to their personal success as students and to the success of the occasion.

The ceremony was graced by the representatives of the Secretary of State for Basic and Senior Secondary Education, the Secretary of State for Communication and Information Technology, His Lordship the Bishop of Banjul, Rt. Reverend Bishop Ellison, Imam Ngagga Ndow of Fajara ‘M’ Section, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the School, and other distinguished guests.

The occasion was chaired by Mr. Joseph P. Jallow, a management consultant and member of the Board of Trustees of the School.


Author: By Wally Bah
Source: The Point