Vote for APRC... KM’s Yama NJie

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Yama Njie, an APRC millitant and a well known figure in APRC politics in the Kanifing Municipality  has urged the electorate  to vote for the ruling party in Thursday’s local government elections. This, she said, will enable the electorate to realise their aims and objectives in terms of development.

Mrs Njie who walked into the Observer offices yesterday morning and said voting for opposition candidates will be of no use as they cannot bring any development in their areas.

“That being the case, let us all vote for development and it is the APRC that is in the position to do that,” she explained.

According to her, local government elections are crucial and should be taken seriously as councils are the primary providers  of development in any nation.

Yama also heaped praises on President Jammeh for what she described his tireless efforts in making the country the best in the continent. She added: “Let all patriotic Gambians join hands with him to realise this noble goal”.

She then called on APRC  supporters to turn out in their numbers to vote. “A higher turn-out means overwhelming victory for APRC,” she said.

Author: by Musa Ndow