D200,000 bail for Today’s editor

Friday, August 29, 2008
Principal Magistrate Buba Jawo of the Kanifing Magistrates Court, has granted Ahmed Adeyamoh, the proprietor and managing editor of Today newspaper bail in the sum of D200,000, with one Gambian surety.

Mr Adeyamoh was arrested by  state security agents and charged for seditious intention, contrary to Section 52(1)C of the Criminal Procedure Code, Cap 10 Volume lll, Laws of The Gambia.

When the case resumed in a crowded courtroom, the charge sheet was read to the accused in English and he pleaded not guilty.

At that juncture, the defence counsel, Lamin Camara, made an application for his client to be granted bail, backing it with various sections of the Criminal Procedure Code.“I am urging the court to grant the accused person bail,” said Defence Counsel Camara. His application was then granted.

According to the prosecution, on or about 15th July 2008, in Kanifing Municipality, the accused person printed, published, sold, and offered for sale and distribution a seditious publication entitled ‘Children dodge school to pick scrap metals’.

The trial has been adjourned to September 10,  when the hearing will proceed in full force. Sergeant 870 Touray represented the IGP in the trial.

Author: by Musa Ndow & Alieu Ceesay