Stage Set for Hearing in Briton’s Trial

Monday, November 5, 2007

The stage is now set for the opening of the trial of a Briton, Francis Bart Valian, who allegedly threatened two people in the southern Gambian hamlet of Keenisebel by firing a single barrel gun in the air.

Valian is expected to return to the Brikama Magistrates’ Court next week after denying a charge of threatening violence contrary to section 84 of the Criminal Code, Cap.10, Vol. III of the Laws of The Gambia.

The particulars of the alleged offence were that, Mr. Valian sometime in September of this year, threatened Sambujang Fatty, Mamadi Saidy and Lamin Manjang in Keenisebel in Kombo South by firing a shot in the air.

He denied the charge and is expected back in court on 8 November 2007.

The case would be chaired by Magistrate John Njie and the Inspector General of Police would be represented in the trial by Corporal Sambou.

Author: By Yai Dibba
Source: The Point