Ambassadors of Hope Mission Holds Press Briefing on Stigma and Discrimination

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Ambassadors of Hope Mission to The Gambia on Tuesday held a press conference at the Paradise Suites Hotel in Kololi to sensitize the audience on the role of various stakeholders in the fight against stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Oumane Sowe, National Coordinator of GAMNASS, said fighting against stigma and discrimination is a step in the right direction.

Mr. David Logan, coordinator of the Caravan project, delivered a presentation on the cross border caravan jointly organised in 2005 by the Regional Coordination of Networks of Religious Leaders for the Fight Against HIV (CRRR), the Regional Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Africa (NAP), and the Regional Coordination of Network of Journalists in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS (CRRJ).

In a press statement delivered on the occasion, Mr. Ahmed J. Loum, a member of the local chapter, said their objectives are to draw the attention of the local authorities, parliament and the executive arm of government as well as NGO and associations on the fight against HIV/AIDS; contribute to the dissemination of the caravan tools; train religious leaders on issues related to HIV/AIDS; and make a follow-up and provide support to the activities of the national network of PLHIV on the fight against stigma and discrimination.

Mr. Wale Okediran, a parliamentarian from Nigeria, representing the Forum of African and Arab Parliamentarians for Population and Development (FAAPPD) graced the occasion.

Madi Ceesay, the President of the Gambia Press Union, who moderated the occasion, said the media could also play a crucial role in the fight against stigma and discrimination.


Author: By Nfamara Jawneh
Source: The Point