MRC Celebrates New Clinical Services

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Medical Research Council (MRC) on Thursday launched a new clinical services department at its premises in Fajara.

The occasion also coincided with the 60th anniversary of the Council.

The new clinical services department has a biochemistry lab, micro biology and hematology, the X-ray department, Gum Clinic department specifically for reproductive health, STI, HIV/ AIDS and TB clinic, which was said to be the first of its kind in the history of the institution in The Gambia.

Speaking on the occasion, Professor Tumani Corrah, Unit Director, MRC, said the new building signifies MRC’s continued support for the Council’s presence in The Gambia, and collaboration with the government and people of The Gambia.

According to him, the new clinical area will assist in the development of a clinical trials department.  

He revealed that they are searching for ways of reducing the high rates of illness and death in children with severe malaria and severe pneumonia. “Together with our partners we will explore novel approaches to improve the management of these very sick children as part of this strategy attempting to locate centre in the Greater Banjul,” he added.

He said that students and newly qualified graduates from the young medical school will also be beneficiaries of the new facilities provided.

Speaking earlier, the British High Commissioner Mr. Phil Sinkinson, Obe applauded the vision of the MRC in opening the Gambia Unit is the UK’s single largest investment in tropical medical research in a developing country. He said: “It’s a public organisation and as part of the UK government’s health portfolio it exists for financial profit but for social profit.

Mr. Sinkinson added that over the past year, the MRC Gambia Unit has contributed over 350 million Dalasis to the Gambia economy over 350 million Dalasis to the Gambia Economy and a further 15 Dalasis on staff investment training across the board at all levels and disciplines.

However, the occasion ended with Art competition on the theme improving health and lives on category 1 aged 6-11 years, category 2 age 12-18 years and the best Public health message poster.


Author: By Binta Sowe
Source: The Point