Let us invest in higher education - Simon Peters

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The director general of Trust Communication Institute, Mr Simon Peters, has called on young people to invest in education (particularly higher education) rather than spending a lot of money in trying to cross the seas in order to reach europe in adverse circumstances.

Mr Peters made these remarks during a press conference, shortly before a presentation by officials of Scarbek University. Organised by Trust Communication, the program was held at the Paradise Suites Hotel, last Wednesday.

According to Mr Peters, the presentation ceremony was meant to promote higher education among youths, and to encourage them to pursue university studies in europe through the right way. He said that through Scarbek, and with the right papers, students could be assured of an easier gateway and cheaper access and guarantee for visa acquisition.

Mr Peters added that since they started their overseas learning program, they had registered significant success with students, who, he said, are now finding it easier to enroll and acquire visas.

“We have seen the human catastrophe unfolding, recently, with our brothers, who are mostly young people, dying while crossing the seas to Europe.” This, he lamented, is very sad and unacceptable.

Mr Peters further called on people to seek knowledge and increase their creativity. He also advised them to always seek to travel by legitimate means, and added that at Trust Communication, their door’s were always open to students.

Ms Martha Urszula Szewczyk, the international affairs coordinator of Scarbek University, expressed surprise at the strong academic will she saw among Gambian students, and she assured all of Scarbek’s intention to ensure that Gambian students find it easy to relocate to Poland, to acquire the quality and highest education required for a successful career and in life.

Ms Szewczyk also highlighted some of the benefits and international opportunities for students, such as summer schools, bilateral agreements and exchange visits to other universities, which, she noted, would help expose students to diverse cultures. She also highlighted, as advantage, international lecture weeks, during which renowned professors from other universities accross Europe are invited to give lectures as well as summer internship, which involves students getting practical life in firms and institutions of work.

Graduates, according to her, would be free, after completing their studies ,to choose either to work elsewhere in Europe, to reside in Poland or return to their home country to help in national development.

Author: by Ebrima Jatta