The Cor-ordinator of Ndewen Basal Appex Group Momodou Keita recently called on the Governor of Central River Region (CRR) Ganyie Touray to brief him on the group’s activities in the region.
He informed the Governor that the group was established in 2000 and was since then operating in six villages in Niani district, CRR North.
He pointed out that the aim of the group is to empower women in poverty reduction. He said the group is assisting in the areas of agriculture, trade, health, education, forestry and fishing. Mr Keita asserted that he’s received funding from Action-Aid, Social Development Fund and NAS. The Governor of CRR Ganjie Touray, on his part, commended Mr Keita for his hardwork and dedication to the rural pople. Governor Touray described Mr Keita as a patriotic citizen.
He said the group is complementing government’s efforts in empowering women in the areas of agriculture, health and education. He said women empowerment is part of President Jammeh’s priority and the women are the main producers of the food for local consumption.
He spoke at length on the importance of the group’s intervention, which he described as key to any socio-economic development of a nation. He then called on the people of the area to make the best use of the group and cooperate with them. He finally urged other groups to form appex groups in order to help the needy.