NEA donates to Old Jeshwang LBS, others

Thursday, November 6, 2008
The National Environment Agency on Monday made a presentation of six dust bins to three different schools at a ceremony held at the Old Jeshwang Simon Bolivar Lower Basic School in Od Jeshwang. The schools that benefited were Old Jeshwang Simon Bolivar, Bakau New Town and Tallinding Proper Lower Basic School.

Presenting the items on behalf of the executive director of NEA, Modou Jawal Suwareh, the director of Inter-sector Network at the NEA, said they were impressed with Old Jeshwang Simon Bolivar Lower Basic School and are happy to be partners with the school as they always keep their environment clean.

"The rule is no plastic bags, no littering on the ground.  You must pass the message on to your parents so that we will all live in a healthy environment," Mr Suwareh stressed.
For his part, Yusupha Sanyang, deputy mayor of the Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC) said the council has a budget of D75 million and that one third of the budget is for waste collection.

"This is a wonderful initiative by the NEA because at the local level, my council is responsible for making sure that the environment is clean but at the national level, it is a collective responsibility," Sanyang observed.

He further advised other schools to emulate Old Jeshwang Simon Boliver Lower Basic School, which is the best school in the region in terms of environmental cleanliness.

Mr Sanyang also assured the gathering of his Council’s support to schools in making their environment clean.

For her part, Mrs Martha Mendy, headmistress of the school, thanked the NEA for the gesture and assured them that it will be put to good use.

‘This shows your support to His Excellency President Jammeh’s Operation Clean the Nation initiative,’ she remarked.

Author: by Asanatou Bojang