UNESCO Holds International Seminar

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

UNESCO has held a three-day international seminar for New Officials of English Speaking African National Commissions to familiarise them with the ideals and mandate of the organisation.

The seminar, which commenced on Monday at the Paradise Suites Hotel, brought together participants from Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Ghana, Botswana, South Africa and The Gambia.

In declaring the workshop open, Mrs. Fatou Lamin Faye, the Secretary of State for Basic and Secondary Education, who is also the Chairperson of the National Commission, expressed the Gambia government’s commitment towards increasing awareness about the need for high performance through seminars and management training sessions that focus on policy and strategic issues.

She said the development of human resource is a key factor in the building of a nation, while commending UNESCO for hosting the event in The Gambia.

In her welcoming remarks, Sukai Bojang, the Secretary General of NATCOM, said the training would help participants to have an idea of UNESCO’s operations and the role of the national commissions.

Mr. Malick Mbye, representing the Director General of UNESCO, said the event was an opportunity for participants to exchange views and experiences on the roles and functions of National Commissions and to prepare for the forthcoming session of the General Conference.

He added that National Commissions constitute a unique network within the United Nations family of Agencies as they were established in each member state to act as a bridge between governments and non-governmental bodies with a view to helping UNESCO to promote its objectives and expand its activities.

Mr. Malcolm Robert Duthie, Acting UN Representative and also WFP Representative in The Gambia, highlighted the various evolutions and reforms going on at the United Nations.

The evolutions and reforms, he added, aim at making UN a more relevant organization and of substance to nations.

“The clear mandate of UNESCO is the promotion of cultural heritage and education,” says the new UN country boss while citing UNESCO as an important agency in the UN system.

The occasion was chaired by Mr. Babucarr Boye, Permanent Secretary of the Department of State for Basic and Secondary Education.



Author: By Nfamara Jawneh
Source: The Point