NAMs adopt Code of Conduct

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Members of the National Assembly on Monday adopted a Code of Conduct for its Members.

The Code of Conduct was tabled before the Members at the first meeting of the Legislative year 2007, by Fabakary Tombong Jatta, Majority leader and Member for Serrekunda East.

The Code of Conduct detailed rules and guidelines, which seek to assist the NAMs to perform their duties as prescribed in the Constitution, the Standing Orders of the National Assembly and other Laws of The Gambia. The document requires the National Assembly Members to uphold the Laws of The Gambia at all times.

The Code of Conduct stated that NAMs are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office when required by the public. The Code strictly prohibits NAMs to accept bribes in connection with the promotion or opposition of any bill, motion or any matter submitted or intended to be submitted to National Assembly. “As holders of public office to making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards, and benefits, the Code of Conduct sanctioned the NAMs to pass decisions on such matters based on merit”.

Moreover, the NAMs are required to conduct themselves in a manner that can maintain and strengthen the public trust and confidence for the integrity of the National Assembly and never undertake any action that would bring the National Assembly or its members into disrepute or contempt. It also prohibits improper payment of allowance to the NAMs for public purposes, adding that the administrative rules which apply to such payments and allowances must be strictly observed.

Contributing to the adoption of the Code of Conduct, Cherno Cham, and National Assembly for Lower Nuimi urged his colleagues to quickly adopt the Code of Conduct so as to respect themselves so that their electorate would also respect them.

Sedia Jatta, Member for Wuli West described the National Assembly as one of the most important institutions of this land and suggested to the House to establish a new committee that will review the Code of Conduct in accordance with the standing orders and the constitution; and extract what is essential for national interest.

Borry Colley, member for Foni Jarrol reiterated the call for the Assembly to seriously look into the ‘disciplinary, commitment and success’ areas as quoted in the Code of Conduct.

Lamin MM Bojang, member for Kombo East also urged NAMs to stick to the Code of Conduct.
Author: Written by Alhagie Jobe
Source: The Daily Observer
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