“Pay fine or go to jail”... Magistrate Jammeh

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh of the Kanifing Magistrate Court yesterday convicted and sentenced one Demba Jabai of Latrikunda to a fine of D5,000 or, in default, to serve one year imprisonment following his plea of guilty for stealing seven hens contrary to section 252 laws of The Gambia.

According to the particulars of the case, Demba Jabai was arrested by the police on patrol on the April 20, 2007 with the said seven hens. When interrogated, he confessed to stealing the hens from one Alhamdou Conteh’s compound in Serrekunda at about 2am - 3am.

In his plea of mitigation, Demba Jabai told the court that he is a first time offender and promised that it will never happen again. But in handing down his sentence, the presiding Magistrate maintained that stealing is a very bad act and is rampant. He said there is a need to set examples to serve as a deterrent to others. He therefore convicted and sentenced Demba Jabi to a fine of D5, 000 or, in default, to serve one year imprisonment.
Author: Written by Lamin Njie
Source: The Daily Observer
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