Beakanyang Tour Schools in URR

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Barrow Kunda Beakanyang Kafo, a community based organization in Upper River Region, recently concluded a two-day farmilarization tour of schools in the region.

Addressing meetings at Jah Kunda, Sare Ngai and Barrow Kunda, Lower Basic Schools in Wuli West District, Mr Nfamara Jawneh, the Secretary General and Orphanage Coordinator of the Beakanyang, reiterated his organization’s commitment in complimenting government’s efforts for the promotion of education in the rural Gambia. “We are fully aware that the government alone cannot do it all, and therefore complimenting their effort is indeed necessary”.

He said that education is a fundamental basic right for every child and that being an orphan should not stop one from having that basic right.

Mr Jawneh described quality primary school education as significant, as it’s the foundation to make the country bred responsible and productive citizens in future.

He assigned the management of these schools to identify needy orphans in their respective schools and forward them to his organization for them to be involved in the pilot project.

Mr Jawneh used the occasion to appeal to individuals and organizations to help their organization in the realization of its objectives.

Miss Rose Bridgitt Bass, a senior teacher at Jah Kunda Lower Basic School, applauded Beakanyang for their intervention noting that the initiative would reduce illiteracy ratio in the area.

Mr. Faye Jawneh, Head teacher Sare Ngai Lower Basic school, described the move as a real patriotism by the youth of Barrow Kunda while calling on people to support the initiative for its sustainability. He assured Beakanyang of his school’s cooperation.

Author: By Njie Baldeh
Source: The Point