5 Practical suggestions on how to choose a PowerPoint to Flash converter

Sunday, July 22, 2007

So far, people know why would they ever need to convert a powerpoint presentation into a flash file. MasternewMedia gives 12 main advantages of PowerPoint converted to Flash format.

You can find reviews; you can find some opinions on powerpoint to flash conversion software: their features, functionality and quality. We'd be glad to share our experience on how to choose PowerPoint to Flash converter.

From our point of view, you should pay attention to the following key points when choosing PowerPoint to Flash tool: • Quality of generated Flash content • Support of animations and effects • File size and structure of output (solid file or a set of files) • Сonversion speed • Price

1) As the first and probably the main point we take Quality of content. Why? What exactly is involved in "Quality"?

We should say that PowerPoint to Flash conversion is complicated process. Converter should carefully transfer slide layouts, styles and all shapes to Flash movie keeping following parameters: • Shapes geometry and positioning • Text quality and formatting • Lists and bullets appearance • Slide transitions and animations effects

Let's to describe in brief how to examine key quality parameters when you are evaluating a powerpoint converter.

Shapes geometry and positioning. All shapes of your presentation should look the same in Flash movie and keep their positional relationship in every slide. The main trouble issue for this parameter is a distorted position of shapes at a converted Flash movie. If you, for example, have an array pointing to a triangle center, then at converted Flash presentation the array must point to the same place.

Text quality and formatting. All texts and their formatting are set in PowerPoint and Flash presentation should also have the same fonts, height and other formatting. The main point to pay attention to is if converter embeds all the fonts into the converted Flash presentation. If not, it will cause an incorrect displaying of all your texts.

Lists and bullets appearance. When you create a PowerPoint presentation you can use picture-style bullets, and this is a very specific only for powerpoint. A converter should carefully retain the original data structure, otherwise your Flash presentation will sprawl and presentation will become distorted and its quality will decrease greatly.

Slide transitions and animations effects. All PowerPoint animation features give a significant impact to your presentation. You can keep your viewers' visual focus on important points of your presentation while describing it orally. A PowerPoint to Flash converter must keep all slide transitions and animation effects in the same way as you see them in PowerPoint. And remember, if a converter tries to emulate effect or to replace one animation effect with another, then this is an alarm for you, telling that this converter is not as good as supposed to be.

About the Author:
Sergey Sidukov, from FlashSpring team, markets, analyzes, promotes, trains and consults on business and professional Powerpoint presentations and Powerpoint related matters. http://www.flashspring.com

Author: By: Sergey Sidukov
Source: ArticleBiz.com
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