Drink Your Way To Health

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wine and good health are related to each other closely. Drinking wine promotes good health and this is no fable. Many eminent scientists and researchers have proved this fact. You would be amazed to hear that drinking wine can actually eradicate several problems related to health and that too in a short period of time.

There are several good effects of wine on health. This is the reason that most countries across the globe consider wine as an important part of a special lunch or dinner. Wine is also used to cook food. Drinking wine is not just restricted to certain occasions. This custom is a daily practice in most of the countries. In France, where wine is considered to be a mandatory drink, rate of people dying from health problems is very less against those countries where wine is not consumed by a large number of population.

Let us discuss the good effects of drinking wine on human body in detail.

a) Good spirits:
Drinking wine keeps you in good spirits. You would feel enthusiasm and great energy within you. Wine consists of sugar. It is also rich in vital vitamins and essential minerals. All these properties together keep your body in good condition. Studies have proved that drinking wine provides extra calories to our body and this increase the amount of energy in our bodies.

b) Heart attack:
Studies have proved that drinking red wine minimizes the risk of heart attack. The reason is that wine helps in reducing bad cholesterol from the body and increases good cholesterol to maintain the health of your heart. Drinking wine will work wonders to your hearth health. It is a great cardiovascular medicine.

c) Digestion:
One of the most amazing benefits of drinking wine is that it facilitates digestion of food. So, drinking wine will really help people who have poor digestion. Wine facilitates the production of gastric juices and this in turn, promotes better food digestion.

d) Cancer:
Red wine is a great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants further help in keeping the body healthy as they play an important role in eliminating free radicals from your body. These radicals are responsible for damage of vital cells inside the body. This, in turn results in serious diseases such as cancer and heart attack. Drink wine and bid good bye to cancer.

e) Body warmth:
Scientists have proved that red wine contains an element that’s responsible for fighting the herpes off from the body. Drinking wine thwarts the development of colds inside our body. This helps people to keep their body warm in cold countries.

f) Cholesterol levels:
Drinking wine is vital for health because it aids in cholesterol level control inside the body. Red wine contains antioxidants known as flavonoids. These antioxidants control cholesterol levels inside the body and keep the heart in a healthy state.
Consume wine in moderate quantity (just one to two glasses per day) and you can enjoy the health benefits mentioned above. Drink to your health.
About the Author:

Jack Wells is a regular contributor for wine reviews and editor for WineHappy Social Networking site at http://www.winehappy.com You can go there and add him as your drinking buddy!


Author: By: Jack Wells
Source: Article Source: www.iSnare.com