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France, Europe

(5 results)
Ariane 5 rocket launches first...
Ariane 5 rocket launches first Automated Transfer Vehicle
Friday, March 21, 2008
An Ariane 5ES rocket has launched the first Automated Transfer Vehicle or ATV. The spacecraft, named Jules Verne has been described as the most...
Drink Your Way To Health
Drink Your Way To Health
Article Source:
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Wine and good health are related to each other closely. Drinking wine promotes good health and this is no fable. Many eminent scientists and...
GLOBAL: A long paper trail to ...
GLOBAL: A long paper trail to accessing ARVs
Thursday, November 15, 2007
France's tighter immigration policies are making it even harder for HIV-positive undocumented migrants to survive, despite laws allowing foreigners...
Web browser Firefox threatens ...
Web browser Firefox threatens dominance of Internet Explorer in Europe
Monday, July 23, 2007
The French web survey provider XiTiMonitor reports that in their study conducted from Monday, July 2 to Sunday, July 8, 2007 on 95,827 websites,...
NASA says water found on exopl...
NASA says water found on exoplanet
Sunday, July 22, 2007
NASA says that the Spitzer Space Telescope has detected water vapor on HD 189733b, a massive exoplanet orbiting the dwarf star HD 189733,...