John McCain Waxing Up, Wins Florida Primary Elections

Monday, February 4, 2008

The political showdown in the United States of America is getting increasingly fierce with candidates from both the Republican and Democratic parties moving heaven and earth, coaxing and cajoling the electorate ahead of the much hyped US presidential elections later this year.

Presidential hopefuls are now busy holding rallies in every nook and cranny of the country to sell their agenda to the American citizens.

In his efforts to prepare the minds and hearts of the electorate, Republican candidate John McCain held a rally at Sanford airport on Monday. Speaking at the rally, Senator McCain told the gathering that he is the best among the candidates aspiring to occupy the White House, arguing that he has the ability, vision and experience to bring enviable transformation in America.  McCain further underscored that key among his goals is intensifying the fight against Osama Bin Laden, reducing federal spending, improving heath care, fighting special interests and defending American values. According to him, as President of the United States, he would confront terrorists head on, adding that even if it takes him to the gates of hell he would follow Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice. Senator McCain’s speech was interspersed by applause from the cheering crowd in an apparent show of their impression with his address.
Meanwhile, in what could be described as a landmark achievement, Senator McCain on Tuesday won the Florida Primary after defeating his rival Mitt Romney. McCain scored 36% of the votes while Romney got 31% of the votes in the fiercely contested race, a week before the 22-state Super Tuesday.

Senator representing Arizona, John McCain served in Vietnam, where he served as prisoner of war for more than five years. Back in 2000 he ran as presidential candidate for the Republicans. He has called for a ‘greater military commitment to Iraq’, saying more troops are necessary to rebuild the nation and prevent sectarian violence. McCain supports immigration reform legislation that would provide illegal immigrants a path to citizenship and establish a temporary guest worker programme. McCain was born August 29, 1936, in the Panama Canal Zone, where his father was serving in the US Navy. He attended the US Naval Academy. Married to Cindy, McCain has seven children and four grandchildren.  

Author: By Alhagie Mbye in Orlando, Florida
Source: The Point