Gambia Taiwan Sign MOU for USA Million Project

Friday, May 11, 2007

The bilateral cooperation between the governments of The Gambia and the Republic of China on Taiwan, have reached yet another signed milestone following the signing of a memorandum of understanding yesterday for the construction of USA million skills development project in Siffoe, Kombo South.

The project which aims at handing relevant life skills to the living rooms of the local population as well as creating more production of job opportunities would be executed by the international cooperation development fund (ICDF) in Taipei Taiwan. At the signing of the landmark MOU, the Taiwanese Ambassador to The Gambia Dr. Patrick Chang, said the president Dr. Alhaji Yahya Jammeh attaches great importance to the project which among other things aims at creating more job opportunities for young Gambians.

According to Ambassador Chang the project will be signed before the end of this year.

Also speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr. Ousman Nyang, the director general of the national training authority, said the project when implemented will go a long way in raising the level of Gambians in different skills and thus contribute to national development.

Mr. Nyang added that the National and Training Authority have been working in close collaboration with the Taiwanese embassy in trying to alleviate the problems of skill development in The Gambia.

For her part, Sophia Jam, Project manager ICDF, expressed her fullest support in the realisation of the project. According to her, the project will assist young Gambians to acquire various skills and thus improve their earning capacity.

Other speakers at the ceremony included Mr. Baboucarr Jallow and Mariama Ndure-Njie, Deputy Permanent Secretaries Department of State for Finance and Economic Affairs, and Higher Education respectively. The signing programme was held at the National Tourism Authority headquarters along Kairaba Avenue.


Author: By Baboucarr Senghore
Source: The Point