Coaches are vital to players’ development...says GFA First Vice President

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Brigadier General Lang Tombong Tamba, the First Vice-President of The Gambia Football Association and Chief of Defence Staff of the Gambia Armed Forces, said coaches have a vital role to play in the development of footballers. He said coaches should educate the players for both sports and life, knowing that their priorities, actions and values could have a significant impact on them as footballers.

Brigadier General Tamba made these remarks, on behalf of his out-of-town President, Mr. Seedy Kinteh, during the official opening ceremony of the FIFA-Olympic Intermediate training course currently underway at the GFA Centre of Excellence in Yundum.

He said good coaching increases performance, gives enjoyment and contributes to the development of the players. He however, said that a coach needs to be clear about their personal philosophies and values without which coaching will lack direction, impact and effect.

The GFA No 2. urged the participants to take training course seriously and be ready to translate the knowledge gained to their respective clubs and institutions.

Speaking earlier, Mr Ebou Joof, Permanent Secretary, Department of State for Youth, Sports and Religious Affairs, described coaching as a noble career that admittedly contributes to the advancement of sports. 

Due to vital statue in the sports circle, he said, coaches should be given the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques for the development of the game.

Mr. Detlev Brugermann, the Course Instructor, expressed his delight over the developmental trend of football in the country, and thus hailed the national football governing body for their unflinching efforts.

Brugermann revealed that FIFA has, many years ago, set aside training programmes aim at developing football in the developing countries. He said Gambia is among the African countries where a significant improvement in the standard of the game has been achieved.

George Gomez, Executive Director of GNOC commended FIFA, through the Course Instructor, Detlev Brugermann, for their invaluable contribution in their bid to develop the trade of football in the country.


Author: Written by Hatab Fadera
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper