New Telecommunications Bill in the offing

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

After its appearance and rejection on three occasions by the National Assembly, the Department of State for Communication, Information and Technology, is again putting finishing touches to a new telecommunications bill, for presentation at the National Assembly towards the second half of the 2007 Legislative Year.

When it becomes law, it is envisaged that it will encourage a more rational liberation of the communication, information and technological sector of the country.

Speaking at the launch of yet another GSM operator called Comium at the weekend, Mrs. Macdouall-Gaye, the Secretary of State for Communication, Information and Technology, noted that soon after the enactment of the bill, her Department of State would work with all stakeholders in all the generic and inclusive legal framework.

She said her Department of State would have to take into account convergence of technologies in the rapidly evolving information society.

According to her, arrangements to enact the new telecommunications bill are well advanced.

She expressed optimism that the new bill would be enacted towards the second half of the legislative year.

"The task of government is to ensure a level playing field in which all operators are given equal opportunities and the necessary support for the enhancement of their operators for effective service delivery," Secy Macdouall said.

She added that if Gambians were to realise the vision of the President Yahya Jammeh of turning the country into the Silicon Valley of Africa, both the public and private sectors have to work hand in glove.

The government of the Gambia, according to her, through the Department of State for Communication, Information and Technology, has liberalised the communication sector to encourage investment, competition and to provide a level playing field for investment.

She added that it was a clear manifestation of government’s drive in providing quality and affordable communication service opportunities to the people in realising the objectives of Vision 2020 in the Gambia.


Author: By Baboucarr Senghore
Source: The Point