NYC Report Reflects L G Election as True Picture of Electorate’s Choice

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A preliminary report by the National Youth Council (NYC) on the just concluded Local Government elections held on 24th January 2008 has endorsed the elections as free and fair and that the results reflect the true picture of electorate’s choice.

Established by an Act of parliament in 2000 with the mandate to coordinate, monitor youth activities and implement national youth programmes, the Gambia NYC deployed six people to observe the Local Government elections in various parts of the country.

According to the report, the National Youth Council observer mission observed that the voting process was generally peaceful, accessible and voter identification and inking of fingers were properly done.

“Security was adequately provided in all polling stations and voting informations were properly displayed and priority voting was witnessed in all the polling stations visited,” the report stated.

On the closing of polls, the NYC report indicated that most polling stations were closed at 4.00pm, followed by the immediate sealing of drums and the recording of seal numbers by Presiding Officers and party agents.

“The ballot tokens were counted and recorded as received, issued, unused and invalid. Closure of poll reports were properly filled, signed by party agents and finally sealed in the tamper evidence bags with other electoral documents,” the report added.

The counting process, the report went on, was properly done and most counting centres were spacious and lighting system for most counting centres was adequate.

In its recommendations the NYC expressed the need to intensify voter education programme by using peer to peer approach, the media, and the involvement of youth serving organizations, NGOs and community-based organizations. 

Author: By B. Senghore & Isatou Fatty
Source: The Point