ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS. I have challenged Halifa Sallah over a decade ago to participate in National Development in more pragmatic and proactive stance than merely offering lip service and mere rhetoric. I have challenged PDOIS at Father Farrell Hall, I believe in the 1980s to come up with a self sustaining program to engage youths in meaningful development.
Halifa and Co. have been making a lot of noise for a long time and I will challenge them to show me a proof of the pudding after all these years of Blah Blah Blah. I was much younger then but my views are still the same. We are all responsible for the development of The Gambia. Yaya Jammeh is doing a great job. The Wollofs say "Won Ma Ma Gis Sonna Na Chi Wah Gi". Jammeh has done more than Halifa will ever do, although Halifa has been around longer (Writing constitutional treatises – editor!). No more blah blah blah and big talks. Won ma ma gis.....