Brufut Marathon to go International

Monday, December 29, 2008

Plans are at an advanced stage to twin the famous Brufut long distance race with a sister long distance race association in the UK, according to Mamudou Max  Jallow, International Liaison Officer of Brufut Marathon Run Association (BMRA).

Max Jallow is of the view that BMRA will soon organize a fully-fledged marathon race, as efforts have been made to upscale the marathon to international standards at 2012.

Announcing this plan at the 14th Edition of the annual Brufut Marathon race, which was held 6th December 2008, Max told a cheering crowd that BMRA had made a giant stride in the Gambian sporting calendar. As he put it, “14 years ago; nobody thought of the success stories being made by BMRA.”

This year’s race, which was dubbed as “Run for a clean nation” to complement the call by His Excellency President Jammeh, was one of the most successful events ever organised since its inception in 1994.

The event was divided into four main categories, namely 42km Bicycle race, 15km Male race, 8Km Female race and Toddlers race.

Author: Sainabou Kujabi