Sutukoba Women Environment Club on rubbish management

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The members of the Sutukoba women environment sanitation club in Central River Region have expressed concerned on the rampant dumping of rubbish in the village and in street corners.

Fatoumatta Keita, the president of the club applauded the members of her club for their commitment on the environmental cleansing exercise at the grass root level. She highlighted her club’s objectives in maintaining their environment clean, as a clean nation is a healthy one.  She called on her people to redouble their efforts and respond positively to the national set-settal day.  She also urged them to stop dumping rubbish wherever they want but to instead identify a dumping site.

The secretary general of the club, Nafa Jabal, called on members to participate in cleansing exercise. She noted that the importance of environmental sanitation cannot be over emphasised and solicits the kind cooperation of the community in their endeavour to transform the village into one of the cleanest in the region.

Author: by Lamin SM Jawo in Janjangbureh