“Victory for APRC in NBR is a Forgone Conclusion"

Monday, January 21, 2008

In little less than a week, the electorate in various wards and councils under contention across the country will go to the polls to elect their representatives and, according to the APRC Desk Officer for North Bank Region, victory for the APRC in the region is a forgone conclusion.

Speaking exclusively to The Point in his office on Wednesday, Hon. Alhaji Abdoulie Suku Singhateh, was very optimistic that come January 24th, the people of the 11 contested wards in his region will vote en mass for the APRC-sponsored candidates. To Hon. Singhateh, who doubles as the National Assembly Member for Lower Baddibbu, the fact that President Jammeh had taken North Bank Region to a higher plain of development is enough a cause for the people of the area to vote for APRC nominated candidates on January 24th.

“The APRC government, under the stewardship of His Excellency, Alhaji Dr. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh, have taken the North Bank Region to another level. It is the APRC dispensation that heralded an era of hope and development for the people of North Bank. For purpose of reference, it’s during the APRC era that the people of the region got access to potable water, electricity and a good road network among other good things of life.

“Sometime I will take my dinner here and cross over to Barra to attend a meeting in Baddibou at night due to good road network. We the people of North Bank Region, therefore, have to reciprocate all what the President has done for us over the years. This is why five wards out of 16 in North Bank Region went unopposed. Traditionally, North Bank was accused of being an opposition stronghold but the trend is now a different thing all together. We have seen the development strides of this regime and will do all it takes to support it to help us,” Hon Singhateh asserted. 

Author: By Alieu Jabang
Source: The Point