Stella Maris Women Take the Lead

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Catholic Women’s Association (CWA) of the Stella Maris Parish of Bakau recently presented a huge sum of money to their Parish Priest to help with the completion of the presbytery at Bakau. As the Catholic Church eventually becomes the people’s church, the CWA of the Stella Maris Parish have donated 50,000 Dalasi to Fr Pius Gidi CSSP, their Parish Priest. The money will be used in the completion of the new presbytery at the Holy Family Catholic Church in Bakau.

The women’s leader Bertha Mboge stressed it was incumbent on them as an organised mothers body to support their church. She said, “The church is ours. We need not wait for others to help we must take the lead and let others follow because we are imitating our mother”.

She attributed their success to the commitment of their members whom she described as relentless in their efforts to make gains at their last breakfast sale. She then thanked all parishioners especially their male counterparts who are always supportive. Theresa A. Kanjia, Secretary, expressed delight in their support for their church. She said “it is difficult to be devoted but it pays to support your church”.

Aunty Kate Sambou urged all members to add more effort in supporting their church. Fr. Pius Gidi CSSP expressed delight and thanked the women for the good example they have shown.  


Author: By Theresa A. Kanjia
Source: The Point