GAMCOTRAP Celebrates Dropping of the Knife Event (Second Edition)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

It was an extraordinary occasion at the Independence Stadium on Saturday May 5th 2007 when GAMCOTRAP succeeded in bringing 18 ex-circumcisers and their communities from the provinces to openly renounce Female Genital Mutilation and declare that they have ceased the harmful practice. This was a great achievement for GAMCOTRAP after 23 long years of hard work, dedication, patience and persistent travels to the provinces to hold workshops and training programmes for Traditional Birth Attendants most of whom are the circumcisers, Alkalolus and the various communities.

Present at the ceremony were women from the various communities all in Ashobi or traditional outfits accompanied by their drummers who produced music in support of the women folk. Dr. Tamsir Mbowe Secretary of State for Health and Social Welfare represented Dr. Isatou Njie-Saidy – Vice President and Secretary of State for Women’s Affairs, who was unable to attend. Members of the diplomatic Corps, Aja Maimuna Savage, Mrs. Ame David Programme Coordinator of Save the Children – Sweden, GAMCOTRAP youth advocacy group, Board members and staff of GAMCOTRAP. It was a colourful, grand and impressive assembly of men and women in festive mood and a number of Alkalolu from the various districts. The ex-circumcisers sat together and each proudly holding a wooden plague on a stand with the inscription “I Have Stopped FGM”. This was the Hallmark of the occasion.

The opening remarks were made by the Executive Director of GAMCOTRAP, Dr. Isatou Touray followed by Statements by their partners from Save the Children – Sweden and the World Health Organisation (WHO). There was a general appeal by Olimatou Sissoho, a school girl and a member of the Youth Advocacy Group of GAMCOTRAP.

It was a long and arduous, uphill struggle for GAMCOTRAP to have reached this auspicious stage when ex-female genital mutilators were prepared to come out and boldly declare that they have stopped the harmful practice! GAMCOTRAP is applauded for this laudable and historic achievement.

Olimatou Sissoho in her appeal given in a loud and clear voice stated: “We the children of The Gambia wish to make this solemn call to our parents, communities and government to protect us from all forms of Harmful Traditional Practices that are inimical to our health and wellbeing. We are aware of our culture and have appreciated the positive ones. However, traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation and Early Marriage are negative practices we would like to be protected from. Appealed on behalf of all girl-children who are vulnerable to the practice of FGM and other Harmful Traditional Practices”.

It was a truly heartfelt poignant and overwhelming appeal to parents, communities and government from a teenager.

Then came the most important aspect of the occasion when the circumcisers and their assistants processed around the center stage for all to see them and the swearing in activity – each ex-circumciser declared that they had discovered the practice of FGM to be harmful during the training sessions given by GAMCOTRAP and had now decided to stop the practice. They were each given a certificate indicating the fact that they were not going to continue with the practice and were happy to declare this fact openly in the presence of all present – a most satisfying and rewarding boost for GAMCOTRAP.

The oath given by the ex-circumcisers reads as follows:

“We the 18 circumcisers of The Gambia representing the cluster villages we cover have solemnly declared to the world and in particular the Gambia that we have stopped the practice of FGM in our various communities. We have over the years received information on women’s health and have acquired knowledge about the effects of FGM on sexual and reproductive rights and the rights of the child. Having been empowered with the right information, we hereby publicly declare that we shall never involve ourselves in the practices of FGM. We take leadership responsibility in protecting and promoting the best interest of the girl child”.

We congratulate these women for the steps they have taken over this practice which has been practised for generations and which has identified as harmful to our women and children. We hope and pray that others will emulate this positive and noteworthy gesture.



Author: By Bijou Peters
Source: The Point