Another single for the Scorpions

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Alieu Leigh, a resident of Bakau New Town and a member of the Gambia National Scorpions Fan Club, has joined the rest of Gambian musicians in releasing a single in support of the Gambia national teams.

Leigh has recently released a new single entitled "Jarama Scorpion" meaning "Thank you Scorpions".
The new single has been the talk of the town since it was first relayed.
In an interview with Observer Sports Leigh said his single was finally released thanks to the National Scorpions Fans Club who sponsored it with the help of his Uncle, Alhagi Leigh of the Holy Family Band. The track, he said, is meant to enable the general public to sing along with the Scorpions Fans Club during national and international matches and also to commend all categories of Scorpion teams dedicated to taking The Gambia to higher heights.  

He spoke of a plan for the release of a six-track album soon.
While commending and congratulating the newly promoted Brigadier General Lang Tombong Tamba for his stance as a father of the national fans club, he commended President Jammeh for his unprecedented support to the fans club on the recent years.


Author: Written by Hatab Fadera
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper