In Ex-Prison Boss’s Trial

Thursday, June 28, 2007

In Ex-Prison Boss’s Trial

Defence Asks Court to Strike out Case

By Bakary Samateh

In the ongoing trial of former Director of Prisons, Mr David Colley, defence counsel Antouman Gaye yesterday urged the Presiding Magistrate, B.Y. Camara, to strike out the case for failure of the prosecution to bring the accused before the court.

At yesterday’s hearing the prosecution, led by Inspector Touray, explained that when the case was last adjourned for yesterday to allow investigations to proceed, the accused failed to co-operate with their investigators when they went to recover the generator the accused was alleged to have stolen. Prosecutor Touray further informed the court that the accused denied knowing anything about the generator.

In his ruling, Magistrate Camara told the court that he would issue an order to the IGP and the Attorney- General’s chambers for the accused to be brought in court at the next adjournment date.

Meanwhile the matter, which according to the prosecutor is still under investigation, has now been adjourned to Thursday, June 28th.

Source: The Point