UDP Campama Ward Vow to Address Development Concerns

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The UDP-sponsored candidate for Campama ward, Mrs Fatoumatta Darboe, has outlined her plans for the ward.

Speaking in an interview with The Point yesterday, Mrs Darboe said one of her priority areas would be to reopen all the public taps in Tobacco Road if elected, and also would do everything possible to restore street lights in the area. She added that if elected it is part of the plans to travel abroad inorder to solicit funds for the establishment of a health centre and a market at Tobacco Road. “These are some of my urgent plans,” she said.

Mrs Darboe said that because of the high illiteracy level among children within the ward, she would build a nursery school in the area if elected, in order to address the problem. She promised to address the bad road conditions and also to cover the gutters in order to minimise the high incidence of mosquitoes in the area.

“If elected I will institute a continuous cleansing exercise in the wards,” she solemnly stated. She emphasized that her plans are development-oriented and would make sure they are achieved, if elected.

Author: By Pa Modou Faal
Source: The Point