Delay in Boto Construction Proprietor’s Trial

Monday, January 21, 2008

Yet another delay has interfered with the trial of Momodou Lamin Sonko, the proprietor of Boto Construction company, as the case could not proceed on Thursday before Magistrate BY Camara of the Banjul Magistrates Court.

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) informed the court that the matter was supposed to proceed but the state witness who was supposed to give evidence was attending the anniversary of the President’s HIV/AIDS breakthrough programme and could not appear in court. An application was made for the case to be adjourned.

Defence counsel lawyer Antouman Gaye did not object to the DPP’s application for an adjournment. The case was adjourned to 29th January 2008.

It will be recalled that the accused, Modou Lamin Sonko, has been charged with two counts of stealing contrary to the Laws of The Gambia.

Count one stated that the accused, on diverse dates and places between 2001 and June 2007 in the city of Banjul, stole the sum of D 1, 593,307.00 being proceeds realised from leasing construction equipment to Kharafi and Sons Ltd., but failed to render same to the owner thereof.

Count two revealed that the accused, on diverse dates between 2001 and June 2007 in The Gambia, stole the sum of US$121, 665.35, being proceeds realised from the leasing of construction equipment to Kharafi and Sons Ltd. but failed to render same to the owner thereof. 

Author: By Modou Sanyang & Bakary Samateh
Source: The Point