Two State House Security Officers Arrested, Remanded

Friday, February 1, 2008

Superintendent Manlafi Sanyang, Officer in Charge of government vehicles at the State House, Lt. Bakary Camara, a close guard to the President, and Momodou Lamin Sonko, proprietor of Boto Construction, were on Monday arraigned before Magistrate Kayoidy of the Banjul Magistrates’ Court, charged with three counts of conspiracy to commit a felony, theft and economic crime.

The three accused persons only entered pleas on counts 1 and 2 as the court is said to lack jurisdiction to try them on the third count of economic crime. They both vehemently denied the charge before being remanded in custody at the Mile 2 Prison.

On Count 1, the particulars of offence are that Bakary Camara, Manlafi Sanyang and Momodou Lamin Sonko on or about the 10th of January 2008 in the city of Banjul and diverse places in the Republic of The Gambia conspired to commit a felony, to wit stealing.

Count 2 states that the three accused persons on or about the 10th of January 2008 in the city of Banjul, the Republic of The Gambia, jointly stole a motor vehicle with the registration number BJL 4063 B, the property of the government of The Gambia.

On Count 3 the three accused persons on or about the 10th of January 2008 in the city of Banjul, republic of The Gambia, stole a motor vehicle BJL 4063 B, which caused loss to the economy of the republic of The Gambia.

The magistrate, in remanding the accused persons, stated that the court lacked jurisdiction to try the accused on the third charge as it borders on economic crime. He quoted the section which gives the subordinate court the right to remand a person in custody until such time as the matter is mentioned in the Supreme Court.

Consequent on a Court Order the three accused persons were remanded in Mile 2 prisons. 

Author: By Modou Sanyang
Source: The Point