Govt. Should be Consulting Opposition - Femi Peters

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Femi Peters, the defeated UDP Banjul mayoral candidate in the just concluded Local Government election who is also the UDP Campaign Manager, has emphasised that there is wisdom in the government’s consulting of the opposition parties in the country on certain national issues. Mr. Peters stated that “although we belong to different political parties and nurture the ideals of those parties, still it is proper for us to look at certain national issues collectively and discuss them exhaustively.”

Mr. Peters made this assertion shortly after the Local Government elections. He maintained that there is always a need for dialogue between the government and the opposition for the betterment of the nation. “I hope the government will be more sensible in its dealings, particularly with the opposition, because the government has never at any given occasion tried to consult or cooperate with the opposition, and they have never asked our advice on certain national issues,” he said.

He opined that government could not have solutions to all the country’s problems, hence the need to seek advice on critical national matters. “This country belongs to all of us. Let us work together and have respect for one another,” he concluded.  

Author: By Abba A.S. Gibba & Fatou Dibba
Source: The Point