Alleged State House Theft Case Adjourned

Thursday, February 7, 2008

As Italian National Joins Suspects

The State House theft case involving Superintendent Manlafi Sanyang, the officer in charge of Government vehicles at the State House, Lt. Bakary Camara, bodyguard to the President, and Lamin Sonko, the proprietor of Boto Construction company, has been adjourned to 11th February 2008.

The case, which was called yesterday before Magistrate Kayoidy of the Banjul Magistrates’ Court, could not proceed as both the accused persons and the prosecution team were absent.

It would be recalled that the three suspects were recently arrested and charged with offences said to be contrary to the laws of The Gambia.

The particulars of count 1 state that the three accused persons on or about 10th January 2008 in the city of Banjul and diverse places in the republic of The Gambia conspired to commit a felony, to wit stealing.

Count 2 states that the three accused persons on or about 10th January 2008 in the city of Banjul stole a motor vehicle with registration BJL 4063 B, the property of the Gambia government.

Count 3 read that the three accused persons on or about 10th January 2008 in the city of Banjul stole a motor vehicle with registration BJL 4063 B, thus causing a loss to the economy of The Gambia.

All accused persons vehemently denied the charges before being remanded at Mile 2 prison.

Information reaching The Point’s judicial desk indicated that the third accused, Momodou Lamin Sonko, has been granted bail, but efforts to verify that piece of information from the court file revealed that no bond has been attached.

In a related development, a 49-year-old Italian national, Dominic Fedeli, was also reported to have been arrested and charged in connection with alleged theft of the motor vehicle.

Mr Fedeli was also arraigned recently before Magistrate B.Y. Camara of the Banjul Magistrates’ Court. The offence revealed that Dominic Fedeli “on or about the 10th of January 2008 at the licenses Department of The Gambia Police Force stole a motor vehicle with the registration number BJL 4063 B without permission of authority.”

He vehemently denied the charge before being granted court bail in the sum of D200,000.00 with two title deeds as condition of bail bond from his sureties. 

Author: By Modou Sanyang
Source: The Point