Former UDP-sponsored Candidate Expected in Court

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A one-time UDP-sponsored candidate for Bakau constituency, Nfamara Bojang, is expected in court later next month as the Brikama Magistrates’ Court continues hearing testimonies in his trial revolving around the dual charges of forgery and conspiracy.

Mr. Bojang was arrested in the build-up to the latest legislative election and charged with conspiracy and being found in possession of falsified banknotes. His case, which has been progressing at a snail’s pace for the better part of a year now, was supposed to proceed on Monday but could not as there was no court session. Equally, the defendant and his counsel, who also happens to be the leader and Secretary General of the main opposition party, the United Democratic Party (UDP), were not in court.
The case will now continue on 17 March.

Author: By Abdoulie Nyockeh & Fatou Dibba
Source: The Point