Lain Kitchen and Friends visit Gilkock Brufut Branch

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lain Kitchen, a British national, accompanied by friends and family members recently visited the Brufut base Gilkock Football Academy at its training ground in Brufut. Iain who was introduced to the academy by the Garforth family, resident in Brufut, last year donated football materials worth thousands of Dalasi.

In his welcoming remarks, the academy’s Secretary and Public Relations Officer Mr. Sang Mendy expressed delight for receiving such a high powered delegation. He noted that it is important that Iain came to see the academy himself as this has enabled him to access the academy before he took the visitors on a conducted tour of the limited materials of the academy and the boys at their various playing grounds.

Lain, for his part, also thanked the academy for a job well done and urged the coaches to continue the good job started. He mentioned that he is impressed with what he saw and therefore pledged to give more assistance to the academy in the future. He continued by saying “when I get back to England, I will do my best to get the academy more materials as I can see you need more and standard materials to develop football here’.

In his vote of thanks goalkeeper trainer, Coach Alieu Sanneh, commended the Garforth family for bringing them a true friend like Iain and prayed that the relationship will be a continuous one that will benefit both parties. “ I hope that the relationship grows to be a bilateral relationship in the future,” he added. Before he departed, Iain donated some football boots.

At a separate event, Mariejore Garforth donated a football and a pair of football shoes to the academy on behalf of Amy, an eleven-year-old British girl who is keen in seeking funds for the academy back in UK.

Source: The Point