UPDATE: Our product was renamed to Lara and is available here: http://getlara.com
Well, after 16 months of development I am very proud to annouce that our software product .geographical media is finally availabled to everyone via our website at http://geographicalmedia.org.
I hope everyone who visits my website will take the time to try out of software. Its free and makes a great blogging platform. If you are thinking of starting a blog or you or your company needs a website please try us out! This website (joshua.perina.com) is running the product.
Here's the sales pitch:
Geographical media is a powerful, easy to use, web publishing platform. It features an incredible site design tool. Based on the principles of CSS Zen Garden and a community developed style library every website owner is able to create a completely custom, great looking web design in minutes without knowing anything about web development.
In addition to the powerfull design tools the system features a community aggregation network with incredible SEO possibilities. Every media item, blog post, video, photo, article or real estate property posted in the system is indexed and immediately linked to and from already established media items in the network.
The product is designed to scale from individual bloggers or small businesses, to large newspapers or companies requiring community building websites.
Signing up and creating a website with geographical media takes seconds and is fully hosted. The system is entirely free, with inexpensive upgrades to use your own domain name or purchase more space.
Oh, and advertisments will never be put on your website (unless you put them there).
Thank you very much to my friends and family who have supported me over this time and I'd like to particularly say thank you to our small team here in The Gambia. Thank you Mela, Lamin, Anna.
If you want a website come try it out!